Ministries / Volunteers » St. Vincent de Paul

St. Vincent de Paul


Society of St. Vincent de Paul- USA

Welcome to the St. Vincent de Paul Ministry here at St. Dorothy. Today we continue in assisting those in need.  Always, but especially during these unusual times we are here to help those in our church and surrounding community regardless of race or religion. We are deeply grateful to all those that contributed their time, provided financial assistance as well as those that brought food for any of our recent food drives. Each food drive was an overwhelming success.  Your generosity enables the St. Dorothy Conference of SVDP to restock our pantry and give food to all who may need it. The SVDP St. Dorothy Conference is here to serve those in need.  We always provide food for those in need and financial assistance if possible.  We are honored to serve you.  All requests are confidential. 

Contact us for assistance at (626) 914-3941   Ext 127



Friends of the Poor walk/run



Friends of the Poor Walk/Run

September 25, 2021


The Society of St Vincent de Paul, St Dorothy Conference, is joining with the Society’s Los Angeles Council in participating in the annual Friends of the Poor Walk/Run being held on September 25, 2021.   


How to participate:

If you would like to donate/walk please log onto the following link:


This will bring you to the Friends of the Poor website.  Next click on the “Find a Team”.  Enter “ST” in the Find Team box and press search.  Scroll down until you find St Dorothy Conference and press “View this team”. The team page will then appear. You can either press Join Team and fill out your walker information or, if you just want to donate, instead of joining team click on one of the walkers and follow the instructions to donate or bring your contribution to the event on September 25. All donations made to the St Dorothy Conference will go directly to the St Dorothy Conference to assist them in helping the poor.


Day of the Event

The Walk will start at 2:00 p.m. at St Dorothy Church.  Please try to be there at least 45 minutes early to check in.  The walk will comprise of a few laps around St Dorothy’s ball field, followed by an ice cream social.  Participants in the walk are open to all  ages.


If you have any questions please contact Dale Edgington at 626 319-9906 and leave a message or email him at [email protected]