Confirmation » Adult Confirmation

Adult Confirmation

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles extends an opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation to practicing adult Catholics who have received religious instruction, but for various reasons were never confirmed. For those adults who wish to be confirmed, St. Dorothy offers religious formation classes to prepare candidates for this Sacrament.

To participate the candidate must be a baptized Catholic, who has received both First Reconciliation (First Confession), First Eucharist (First Communion) Sacraments, be either unmarried or in a marriage recognized as valid by the Catholic Church.  Have a recent copy of their Baptismal Certificate issued within the past 6 months, and have a Confirmation sponsor who must be a confirmed, practicing Catholic and at least 16 years of age.We invite you to join St. Dorothy's Adult Confirmation Program.

Please click the link below, print and bring your Registration Form to the front office. Thank you!