Next Generation Parish: Called to Renew Capital Campaign » Why Now

Why Now



St. Dorothy, a cornerstone of the Glendora community since the 1950s, needs renovations. Over the years, our parish has grown and evolved, becoming a vibrant hub for Catholic worship, fellowship and community engagement. However, our church building is in need of revitalization to match the spirit of our congregation.


The proposed renovations encompass various aspects of the church’s infrastructure. The changes to the sanctuary, ceiling, stained glass windows, walls, flooring and sacristy will honor the grandeur of God’s presence in our church. With improved functionality to the restrooms and outdoor gathering area, we will ensure accessibility for all parishioners and visitors. We also will address the entrance by creating a space proclaiming our Catholic identity.


These renovations are essential. By updating our facilities and ensuring they are welcoming to all, we will position our parish to serve our needs today and far into the future. This endeavor represents a commitment to stewardship and ensures that St. Dorothy remains a beacon of faith, unity and hospitality for the Next Generation.